Stepping forward responsibly with ISO22000 compliant facilities and suppliers.
Qualifications, training and experience of the staff
The right equipment – properly calibrated and maintained
Exceptional quality assurance procedures
Proper sampling practices
Appropriate testing procedures
Valid test methods
Traceability of measurements to national or international standards
Accurate recording and reporting procedure
Suitable testing facilities
Based on this, the customer can rest assured that the test results NUTRITECH releases are reliable, true and accurate, validating label claims and ensuring that the product on the shelf is in line with the latest regulation and testing procedures.
NUTRITECH continues to move forward, refusing to engage in comparative advertising and smear campaigns, concentrating on providing quality products for likeminded individuals whose goal and focus is on fitness and a healthy lifestyle.
Trust products manufactured in ISO22000 accredited facilities, test results from SANAS laboratories and results published by reputable sources without ulterior motives.
NUTRITECH will continue to test and publish unbiased results on the NUTRITECH website and social media channels to comply with our view of a transparent industry.
View SANAS Accredited Laboratory Test Results: